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About Us


The Academy Council 

The Academy Council has a strategic and supportive role in running the school, and we work in close partnership with the Principal who remains responsible for the day-to-day operations and management of school business and the staff.  Our aim is to maintain a strategic view, ensure accountability and provide a critical friend.

We meet formally at least once per term when, as a minimum, we will discuss progress against the Academy Development Plan, our financial position, and hold the Principal to account for achieving pupil outcomes.  Strategic decisions concerning the school are made by the Academy Council.  In addition, every Governor has a formal link role, overseeing a specific aspect of school activity and providing support to the Senior Leadership Team or staff responsible for that area.  The Chair has further responsibility to represent the Academy at the Park Federation Board where the Directors, Trustees and CEO confirm that academies are working effectively to achieve the best pupil outcomes and that the full benefits of being a multi-academy trust are being realised.

Kelly Wright Principal
Kate Sibley Staff - Teaching 
Maddi Lukin Staff - Non-Teaching 
Sam Eversden Chair & Community Governor
Yip Wong Community Governor
Jeremy Ankers Community Governor
Robin Parsons Parent Governor
Katy Joiner Parent Governor
Samantha Lonergan Parent Governor