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Our PTA - FISA (Friends of Iver Schools Association)

Our PTA - FISA (Friends of Iver Schools Association)

FISA (Friends of Iver Schools Association) is made up of the parents and guardians whose children attend both the Iver Village Infant and Junior Schools.

All events are organised by FISA volunteer committee members, staff, and parents. The FISA committee meets twice a term for around an hour. All funds raised are split evenly between the Infant and Junior Schools. 

Events held in recent years include the very popular summer and Christmas fairs, school discos, a car-boot sale and family bingo nights.

If you are interested in joining FISA or helping at future events please contact FISA via their Facebook page.

Brighde BearyChair

Casey Mackenzie Secretary

Pippa VinallTreasurer

Don't forget to join their Facebook Page for the latest information / events / fundraisers
